Category: Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt doesn’t have to cripple you
Credit cards are a handy financial tool as long as they’re used properly. You should ensure that you’re able to make the monthly payment when you charge things. Unfortunately, you can’t see into the future, so you never know what’s going to happen. For some people, an unforeseeable event leads to their not being able
Getting a handle on your alarmingly steep credit card balances
Just about everybody has experienced that sinking feeling of dread when their credit card bill comes in the mail and you finally have to confront it. Your balance is like a noxious weed growing in the backyard. One day. it’s manageable, and before you know it, it’s several feet tall and growing unstoppably. The mere
Do credit cards cause bankruptcy or help your credit score?
Public perceptions about credit cards tend to vary pretty widely. Some people claim that they’re dangerous and they cause bankruptcy. Others, though, say that they’re necessary as a great way to improve your credit score. So which one is it? These conflicting views can lead to many mistakes, such as people with low credit refusing
Can a credit card company really garnish your paycheck?
There is a popular saying that you can’t squeeze blood from a stone. When it comes to someone struggling with credit card debt, not being able to squeeze blood from a stone essentially refers to the inability of someone with limited income to meet all of their financial obligations each month. If you only have